The idea here is to post events that are going to happen and print reports on events that have happened. At the bottom of each post (story or report) there is the chance of you making a comment. This is handy as it is a way of communicating with other ex WWTC folk. Making a comment is real easy (though you mightn't have done it yet!) If you click on COMMENTS you will also be able to read other people's comments, which you might wish to comment on. Get it?
Thanks Jock, Gail, Russ and Lauren for your efforts in making A'dale happen.
I'd like to invite you to let us know what you thought of the weekend in Armidale, on 26, 27 and 28 January, 2007 (if you were there. I have the list if necessary!)
Any others who have found their way here, feel free to add your comment or tell us why you weren't in A'dale. And, see if you can match the following names to the photos above: Russ Warfield, Merv Smith, Graeme O'Brien & wife Suzi, Sue (Upton) King, Colin (Jock) Grant and Tom McKibbin. Cheers.