Marion: Van was taken for a scan today (Friday) and it appears that he has done some damage to his kidneys, no details. He is likely to be in hospital for a "matter of weeks", however long that is.
The doctors are concerned that Van is not getting enough quality rest - and so Van's mum has suggested that friends postpone their visit to the hospital for a week or so. Apparently there is a steady stream of people thru his room. (I think he is really surprised and quite moved by this.)
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Gerard: A young haemotologist was visiting Van when I arrived so I quietly waited outside. I was delighted to hear a very strong voice questioning the doctor about his treatment. She assured him that the decision not to have him undergo any surgery was right and that the eight breakages in amongst his spinal vertebrae and the four broken ribs and all the torn and bruised tissues would heal in good time, given the right medication, diet, exercise and tender loving care. A close scrutiny of his kidneys today did not reveal any problems.
We had a good chat. Van's looking much better and was quite alert. The self-medicating painkilling gadget is gone.
The brace brought to help him has so far been too uncomfortable.
In his profound grieving for Jennifer, he's also thrilled that they had the chance to speak to each other over the phone on the Friday night to comfort each other and were not totally isolated in the two hospitals.
As usual with Van and me, the conversation soon turned to our contrasting philosophies of life. His questioning was as sharp as ever. The soon-to-be Dr Vanlyn Davy is still in very good cognitive form despite all his current predicaments!
Re Jennifer's funeral: Family & friends are warmly invited to attend JENNIFER-ANNE'S funeral service to be held in the West Chapel at Northern Suburbs' Crematorium, Delhi Rd, North Ryde on TUESDAY, 2nd December, 2008 at 12:45PM - from SMH.
Anne Wilson Funerals
[02] 9971 4224