Fitzpatricks, Hughes and Griffins all departed from Tumut for their homes, leaving the Keasts to wander on alone to Wombeyan Caves... the final stop.
But wait! There was company, in the form of Marion, Sue, Merv and Helen! Great. I had contacted Mario Biasutti earlier on and he and his wife Gerlinda came from Mittagong way and joined us for a memorable evening under the stars.
Yes, we did have some fun. Thanks to the cooks and the BBQ man Merv, we all ate very well. And everybody was happy to try Mario's reds that he brought along for the occasion. Since retirement, Mario has been getting right into the grape/wine business. He and GO'B will have to get together to compare notes. I didn't hear any complaints Mario which is a good sign. Thanks for coming out over that shocking road to join us for the evening.
I don't know how or when this exhibition occurred. Merv is amused. Surely they couldn't have done it AFTER the big brekkie on Tuesday morning!! Bacon and eggs and everything you've never thought about putting on at the same time. Just beautiful. As Li from Mao's Last Dancer would say....FANTASTIC!

Thanks to all for such a great van trip. It was really good fun. Would we do something like that again? I think so.