Back: Bernie, Helen S, Ann McK, Suzi, Jim, Tom, Russ, Dino, Gra Wright
Sitting: Sue, Janice, Jan Ferg Smart, Marion, Janet Wr, Lauren Warf, Fay, Nola Fors, Gerd King, Julianne H, Rob
Lying: Jock, Gra O'Brien, Gra Keast
Nothing wrong with the collambience here mate! Great! Missing from these few photos.... Col Doherty & Julie, Dave Baker and Leonie, Ponchard & missus and maybe Dave and Lyn Giles (if they make it tonight.)

Marian always looks great especially when she's tucking into a bit of ice cream. Tops.

Graeme & Suzi O'Brien from Bulga which is just up the road.... that's why they were a bit late!

Helen Smith and Janice Fitzpatrick have a natter.

Gerd, Rob Hughes and Sue (Upton) King.

The Lake Macquarie area turned out to be an ideal spot for a gathering. We also did a bit of bushwalking!!!

Janet and Graham Wright in front of Tom McKibbin.
After a beaut dinner at Nola and Dino's on Fri night, we returned to the scene of the crime for brekky on Sat morning. Thanks for the Rossmore googs Wrighty!
Saturday's bus trip took us all over the area, parts of Newcastle etc. Running commentary and all.
Tonight we head to a Thai Restaurant and then brekky at a marina place tomorrow morning before we head off on a cruise. How good is that?
Check it out later and we'll give you an update.
Also present but not pictured.... Smarts, Robertsons, Warfields, Keasts, Jock Grant and who knows... maybe I've missed somebody out! Please help me.
Thanks Nola and Dino for organising a beaut gathering.
APOLOGIES received from Di Groenewegen and Elaine Hardy.