Wednesday, July 16, 2014

OLDIES but GOODIES or 6 of the BEST

Looks like the following folk are pretty definite for Canberra in October: Besson, Zeidler, Gra Brown, Cureton, Brophy, Deards, Fitzpatrick, Kerin, Forsythe, Marion Smithy, Griffin, Diehm, Rob Hughes, Keast, Bailey, Upton, Ladmore, Lambert, Mitchie, Lisle, B Lucas, Masters, McKibbin, McSeveny, Olsen, Pollard (at least one species), Ryan, Ferguson, Helen (Merv Smith's widow), Walker, Warfield, Fulton, Wright and Barry Robbo (62-63). Throw in a few spouses and presto! You've got about 45 I reckon. Fairly definite starters. Feel free to phone Marion (Smith) Giddy and register: 0412 817 645

 I can recognise Megan and Fay at the start of the line-up of Kambu girls. There's also Dale and maybe Joy Barr and Chris Jack there. Oh Millsie is behind Megan.
 Nev Pollard, Bob Hughes and Dave Lisle.
 So, do you recognise any of these girls?
 Jan Ferg, Jim Smart, Millsie, Mick Carney, Fay Bailey and Dino Forsythe.
 Tom, Dave, Doug, Dave, Bob (now Rob) and Alan. How close am I?
Mr Cozier/Cosier is there amongst our Percy boxes. Maybe Lyn Ludwig at front left; Hughes, Pollard and Kember seated at front. Who are the others? 

Saturday, July 12, 2014


                                             ROB HUGHES

Do you want to know what’s happened since I first began to teach?
I’ll dig down in my memory bank to see what I can reach.
It all started in Bombala back in 1965,
Many pleasant schools came after that to keep the dream alive.

Mt Druitt was a highlight, that was where I met my wife,
Who for more than forty years has been a beacon in my life.
Lakemba, Penshurst West, on to Padstow Park, and then
A big step up the ladder at Panania North School Dem.
Three years as a consultant in the Region at St George,
That took a lot of effort as ahead I strove to forge.
New English was my subject as I struggled in the midst
Of syllabus revival, and it was there I won Third List.

DP out at Ingleburn, Sackville Street’s the name,
Then sixteen years at Peakhurst as a leader in the game.
List Four, P1 at Holsworthy, eleven hundred kids,
And a staff all made in heaven – wouldn’t have missed that school for quids.

Alongside Education, I’ve had a thrilling ride
As professional musician, earning income on the side.
A muso’s life’s exciting, playing dives and places grand,
This for me began in Wagga in the ‘Lucas Old Time Band’.

Retirement is a lot of fun; I’ll not be a white elephant,
Eight years as outback touring guide; right now, a civil celebrant.
Who knows what’s in the future? You may guess but you can’t know it,
I’m testing out my mettle now. A budding new bush poet?
We have four happy grandchildren, who keep us wide awake,
When they join us for sleepovers when their parents take a break.
For our further entertainment, when there’s time for more exertion,
We enjoy some time away on a brief van or boat excursion.

As I look back over my career of more than fifty years,
I recall so many happy times, and not too many tears.
You dare to hope in younger days, “Will all my dreams come true?”
My experience of life lets me assure you… yes, they do!                                © Rob Hughes 2014

Monday, July 7, 2014


Living at Pearl Beach, NSW with wife Yue. Step daughter Sheng now off at Sydney Uni so we are freer to do as we wish. Latest adventures have included two 3 week bicycle tours [through Vietnam and Taiwan], a 4 week motorcycle rip through NZ, with an [in planning now] 2015 hybrid [bicycle + motorcycle] 6 month trip through Turkey, Greece, Adriatic coast, Italy, France, UK, Norway. Any ideas from more experienced travellers are welcomed.
Very engaged with matters political, especially since the Abbott-led and Murdoch-managed neo-cons have taken the Treasury benches and shame us internationally with their denial of Climate Change and brutal treatment of refugees [amongst other matters]. 
My wife is a Japanese-Chinese cuisine chef, an elite musician [traditional Chinese instruments], and a truly great travelling companion, amongst many other attributes. She really enjoyed her recent weekend engagement with the WWTC crew at Marion's, thinks everyone is warm and caring, everyone is intelligent, all seem to be without hallucinations of greatness, none suffering from Narcisism ... she loved them all. She managed to get a long yarn with Helen to whom she has taken a shine.
Finished a PhD with 3 top boxes in 2009. It is the single most unread piece of high-quality research in the English-speaking world. 
I am currently attempting to:
[a] establish a blog where I will advance my researched views [finding the blog very difficult to est]
[b] up-date my thesis with current data so that those who do not read it will be not reading the best of up-to-date research in this field
[c] ignore the fact that I turn 70 this year.

I am grappling with Facebook and welcome all to connect.

Very active in the Rural Fire Service, especially as President of the Trail Bike Squad which comprises 20 men [no women now] who patrol the fire trails of the Central Coast throughout the year.
Mobile: 0414310968
Contact: is very welcome
Pearl Beach: is accessible and welcoming no matter what your views.

All the best, Van

Friday, July 4, 2014


I can't believe the matrons came through and gave us all a serve! Including me!!

 Yes... it's on again. Thanks heaps Marion. Any excuse for a party eh?

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Coming so far: Marion GIDDY (Smith), Sue KING (Upton), Bernie and Janice FITZPATRICK (Kerin), Jan SMART (Ferguson), Bruce and Laraine LUCAS (Masters), Grahame and Fay KEAST (Bailey), Alan McSEVENY, Dave BESSON, Graham and Janet WRIGHT, Keith and Wendy LAMBERT (Mitchie) and Malcolm LADMORE. This list will be updated regularly.
If you want more information contact: Sue KING - 0411046347; Marion GIDDY - 0412817645 or Grahame KEAST - 0411386814. 

Accommodation Options: 
  • Brassy Hotel, Barton 02 6273 3766
  • Forrest Hotel, Forrest 1800 676 372
  • Adobe Hotel, Phillip 1300 122 633
  • Rydges Capital Hill, Barton 02 6295 3144
  • Alivio Tourist Park 02 6247 5466
  • Canberra Carotel and Caravan Park, Watson 02 6241 1377
See you at the action - 24, 25 and 26 October. Make sure you register. Go on, ring Marion!!