Here's some info on a few folks from our gang:
KING Sue and Gerd
"Grahame, I blog on every morning to check for news etc. Love to read new stuff. Please keep up the good work!!!!!!!I have had rather a busy year and have met up with Marion on more than a few occasions! We managed a weekend at the Sapphire Coast and went to the races there, went to Lightning Ridge in July together to help choose the 2007 Opal Queen, spent a glorious 4 days in October in Hobart at a conference together and will be meeting up again on NYE here in Canberra for a 'Bubbly, Bocce and Barbecue' party. I think we are trying to catch up on the 33 years we missed out on, not knowing where the other lived! Gerd joins in with us when he can and loves the fun we have.Our Christmas was really wonderful this year as Gerd and I are now Oma and Opa to granchild Heidi. Couldn't be happier.See you at the coast in March. Looking forward to catching up in person again love Sue" (Upton) King
ROBERTS Graham and Dale – Still married! Next year will be 40 years for them. Dale works for the gov’t and Gra works for a publishing company. Dale gets into the craft (knitting and needlepoint) while Gra is enjoying golf. He still gets to his race meetings. They have 2 daughters in England and 1 in Sydney. They’re planning a trip to NZ for a couple of weeks in Jan with Barry (62-63) & Beth Robertson and Joy (Barr) & Len Sheargold. Joy was 62-63. G & D Roberts are heading to Europe 19 April and return end of May.
SMARTS Jim and Jan – they have 3 daughters – 1 down Sth Cost, 1 at Airlie Beach and 1 about to head for Singapore. They have 4 grandkids including twins! J & J Smart are off on a cruise which will take in most of South America, then the West Indies/Cuba and finish in England. Over 3 months!!!
POLLARD Nev – last seen driving a taxi up near Ballina.
PORTER Ken – lives in Ballina and swims regularly. He’s currently wandering round ACT and South Coast catching up with a few people. I actually caught a few waves with him at Cudmirrah last week.
SAY Gerard – After four months out of action following my six cardiac bypasses and my collapsed lungs after the breathing could not keep up with the new turbo heart, I'm gradually returning to something like normal. I was looking forward to joining you on the South Coast in March.
However, I have discovered that our District Rotary Conference in Bathurst [March 6 ->9] clashes with the WWTC 63-64 south coast get-together. As I'm the next President of the Chatswood Club, I'm fully committed to Bathurst and will have to miss out on Cudmirrah.
Please keep me informed of your next venture.
Have a marvellous Christmas
O’BRIEN Graeme and Susanna – “Madhouse here with preparing for 24 people for Christmas lunch and finishing the painting of the outside of the house.” And that’s as well as preparing for their niece’s wedding 3 days before Christmas!
LUCAS Bruce and Laraine (Cookie) - Cookie is President of the Independent Schools Heads of Junior School for NSW. Enough said! Even though Bruce retired in Dec 04, he is currently doing management consultancy 3 dpw which he feels is fairly non-threatening. He organised the Woolooware High School European Band tour - 21 days through Austria, Germany, Switzerland with a touring party of 95. So they are busy but enjoying life and are proud of their kids and 5.8 grandkids.
GIDDY Marion - As I am too slack to send out Christmas cards this year, I'd like to take this opportunity to wish each and every one of you a Joyous Christmas, filled with Good Things!!!I wish you the happiest of New Years, with the hope that we all get together again soon for some serious partying.
WRIGHT Graham & Janet - Stiff luck about all that rain.... the damn roses are growing like weeds, so the president of the NSW (or Aust?) Rose Society is gonna be super busy!!! Good onya Graham.
BERRARA / CUDMIRRAH - 21 starters at this stage. Roberts may not make it but Walkers a late entry. We'll have a ball.
Not too sure whether anyone has a look at this blog. If not, I'll save myself the effort. If you want it to keep going, add a comment below. OK? Take care out there, and try not to travel on the roads (unnecessarily.)
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Di (Edwards) Groenewegen lives in Adelaide. She lives with her Mum, June Edwards. Her three boys live in Adelaide also. Early next year Fay and I hope to visit with Di over there as we head to WA.
It's nearly 40 years ago that Di was our bridesmaid! Fancy that! Fay chose a girl I had whizzed in 1963 as our bridesmaid. Fay made sure Di was dressed in red or pink (can't even remember the colour now.) Doesn't time fly?
Jan and Jim Smart celebrate 40 years of marriage on 23 December. Give Jan a ring on 0432 627 121 - congratulate the pair of them. We are currently holidaying with them, and also Di's ex roommate..... Dale! Yes, and her husband Graham Roberts.
2nd photo is of Jan and Jim, their 3 daughters and 2 of their 4 grandkids. Smarts live in Nowra.
Merry Christmas to you all.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Jan Ferguson, Ros Lyell, Joy Barr, Sandy Booth, Wendy Mitchie, Jenny Lambert, Dale Read, Janice Kerin, June Alden and Fay Bailey.
It's fairly obvious eh? Can you think of other ladies from WWTC who married a WWTC fella? If so, click on COMMENTS below and let me know. Ta.
The photo above of Fay, myself and Ros, was taken in Narrabri last week. We caught up briefly with Ros Lyell who married Bob Tobin.
Here's a bit of Ros' story:
Taught at Blaxcell St. Granville 65-68.
Married Bob ’69 and moved to Narrabri where we both taught at Narrabri Primary and Infants.
Later I did 2 terms at Narrabri West before resigning after having 2 children Geoff and Alison.
Bob moved to the Infants Dept with some other male teachers and that’s where Bob always said “he learnt to teach.” He became Assistant principal, Infants until medical retirement in 1998 then passed away in 1999.
I’ve been teaching Scripture at both schools for 30+ years and teaching beginner music lessons to private pupils for about 15 .
We were both very involved with our local Anglican church , Bob as parish councillor, secretary, lay preacher and leader.
I play the music for some church services, weddings and funerals etc. and am also involved with Narrabri Eisteddfod, Meals on Wheels, a weekly exercise group, parish secretary and helping in the office with my limited office skills.
In 2005 I took a bus tour from Darwin to Perth and celebrated my 60th at Cable Beach Resort.
Son Geoff is married and lives in Wellington, N.Z. and has 3 daughters, (8,4, and 1). He works in computer animation, including all 3 Lord Of the Rings\nmovies and King Kong. So I travel to N.Z. at least once a year, sometimes more.
Married Bob ’69 and moved to Narrabri where we both taught at Narrabri Primary and Infants.
Later I did 2 terms at Narrabri West before resigning after having 2 children Geoff and Alison.
Bob moved to the Infants Dept with some other male teachers and that’s where Bob always said “he learnt to teach.” He became Assistant principal, Infants until medical retirement in 1998 then passed away in 1999.
I’ve been teaching Scripture at both schools for 30+ years and teaching beginner music lessons to private pupils for about 15 .
We were both very involved with our local Anglican church , Bob as parish councillor, secretary, lay preacher and leader.
I play the music for some church services, weddings and funerals etc. and am also involved with Narrabri Eisteddfod, Meals on Wheels, a weekly exercise group, parish secretary and helping in the office with my limited office skills.
In 2005 I took a bus tour from Darwin to Perth and celebrated my 60th at Cable Beach Resort.
Son Geoff is married and lives in Wellington, N.Z. and has 3 daughters, (8,4, and 1). He works in computer animation, including all 3 Lord Of the Rings\nmovies and King Kong. So I travel to N.Z. at least once a year, sometimes more.
Daughter Alison is a pharmacist, is married with 2 daughters (almost 4 and 2) and lives in Sydney.
I have no plans to move from Narrabri. It’s a great town, wonderful\npeople, real community and a great\nchurch family. You should see the view of the Kaputar Mts I have as I drive down my street.
There is plenty for me to do here.
Enjoy beautiful Narrabri, Ros. Thanks for sharing your story.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Caught up with heaps of people in Wagga at the 60th Anniverary Celebrations for WWTC. While our (63-64) era wasn't really well patronised (Bernie & Janice pictured above were there), Fay and I did catch up with a bunch of people from various years, some for the first time. I even found a bloke (Jim Banks) who'd taught at Pooncarie before my brother Bill went there fresh from college in 1962.
Was good catching up with Laurie Orchard (played the organ for us a couple of times over the weekend), John Cosier (craft fella) and Henry Gardiner (English.) Henry was an ex WWTC student who came to lecture there in 1964. We even heard the background to his supervision of Fay in her final prac and how he managed (against all odds) to grade her an A+ when she'd previously been a C!!! She's been twisting me round her little finger for nearly forty years so I have no doubt that she could easily manage Henry G. Thanks Henry for your efforts back then. Here's Fay with Henry.
We each received a medal commemorating the 60th Anniversary.
Thanks for the Baileys on Sat night Sue. Lovely.
Margaret and Alan Milne (Goulburn) and Sue King (Canberra) toast the best and fairest.
There was an excellent brunch on Sunday morning after a brief service. Once again, we ate well.
Looking forward to seeing some of you folks at Cudmirrah/Berrara on 15 March 2008 (The Ides of March weekend.) That's near Sussex Inlet.
Coming so far: Marion, Kings, Lamberts, Roberts, Van, Keasts, Smiths (Merv/Helen), O'Briens, Hughes, Fitzpatricks and hopefully Smarts. Maybe Lyn Ludwig and Tom McKibbin if they get back from San Fran. I have some apologies already like Wrights, Barb Luelf, Warfields, Elwin & Judy James. I think Judith Dark is a chance of coming too. Please let me know if you are coming so I can arrange accommodation. Thanks.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Susanna and Graeme, grandparents to Olivia, Sophie, Hamish and Elodie
Graeme and Suzanna met in ’65 and married in ’70. Kids born in ’73, ’77 and ’80.
They made a lifestyle choice early on in their marriage to live in the country in the beautiful Hunter Valley and started raising Hereford cattle.
8 years ago they bought a smaller property deciding to downsize their herd (they now have about 20 cows) as they aged (as Graeme & Suz aged, not the cows!). Their property is near Bulga, 23 km out of Singleton. It borders Wollemi National Park and also contains 2 Ha of muscat grapes that they sell to a local winery.
The house is a work in progress but visitors are more than welcome (as we found out recently). The place is taking shape nicely.
The property is run on biodynamic principles and they are now seeing the results of that approach.
As well as 3 kids, they also have those 4 grandkids that they dote on.
They plan on hosting a quiet (it won’t be quiet Graeme!) WWTC Hunter Valley weekend in September or November 2008 as they will be overseas in October. Details here later.
They are looking forward to catching up with folks at the Berrara/ Cudmirrah gathering 15/16 March 2008. Yes, they are booked in!
Other info that GOB didn't divulge - they have various community commitments and responsibilities AND he's a damn good cook!
Thanks for a great visit Graeme and Suz. Seeya in March 08.
Thursday, July 19, 2007

Submitted by Tom McKibbin:
On the weekend I was talking to Lynn Ludwig. We discovered some coincidences in our lives.
We travelled to the College together in the same compartment for entry in 1963.
We were in the same section but have not seen each other for 43 years.
We both taught Primary for five years.
We both then taught Social Sciences in the secondary school for the rest of our teaching days.
We were both head teachers but Lynn went on to be a deputy.
We both have a son in San Francisco.
I now find out that they (our sons) are living in the same street!
It is like we live parallel lives!
It is like we live parallel lives!
Editor: If any other ex-teachers have a son living in the same street we'll buy you a ticket to San Fran!
Sunday, July 15, 2007

Some highlights included: 36 people present, 11 of whom never even went to WWTC! (they just got involved at a later stage!); a beaut bonfire (see photo above - can you put names to the figures?); the appearance of Ethel and Mavis (from the Miscellaneous Employees Septic Sewerage Yunion) see photo #3; the meeting after about 40 years of Julianne and Janet (wives of Rob Hughes and Graham Wright) who went to Balmain TC together. As you can see we have solved the question, how many people can fit into a Winnebago? Thanks Merv and Helen.
And answer to previous blog... Barb (Powell) Luelf and her husband Peter from Rankin Springs. It was a pleasure to be her grad partner.
Please make an effort to add a comment below eg tell us what you thought of the gathering or why you weren't there. [I think if you click on the photo it might enlarge. You could need that with photo #1.]
Present: Doug, Lucy and David Walker, Russ & Lauren Warfield, Rob & Julianne Hughes, Keith & Wendy Lambert, Bob & Colleen Cureton, Merv & Helen Smith, Grahame & Fay Keast, Jock Grant, Graeme & Suzi O'Brien, Lynn Ludwig, Graham & Janet Wright, Dave Baker, Bill & Sandra Semple, Tom McKibbin, Van & Jennifer Davy, Marion Giddy, Sue & Gerd King, Judith Dark, Judy James, Dave & Lyn Giles, Bernie & Janice Fitzpatrick. [Let me know if I've spelt your name wrong.]
Special thanks to Marion and all who made the weekend such a memorable occasion.
Thanks to photographers Marion, Graeme, Doug etc. Got some more to send me? Ta. Maybe the banana shot will get posted here... later.
Friday, June 22, 2007

Yes, it was confirmed earlier this month that this lady was indeed my grad partner at the end of 1964.
This bloke Peter, found her at some stage of the game (not in 1964) and has been looking after her ever since. They are both busy and both look great. They do live a fair way from Sydney though. Bit like Bob and June Armytage! Yes, they (Bob and June) were the couple featured in the last post. June of course was June Alden until Bob fixed that up once and for all. Both were in Fay Bailey's section at college.
If you think you know who's in the picture, click on COMMENTS below and put in your two bob's worth. Armytages will know of course! (Clue #1).
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

How about the couple with Fay and I in the photo above? Fay and I just visited them in Deniliquin where they've lived for eons!
They both went through WWTC in 63-64. They were both in the same section as Fay Bailey and Di Edwards.
After 2 years at college this bloke asks the girl if she'll partner him to the grad ball in 1964. Well, she said yes! And that was the first of many yes answers she's given him over the last 40 years.
He started his teaching at Corowa, then Gundagai, then District Relief, then Tarabandra (between Gundy and Tumut).
She commenced at Carlton South for 2 terms before being shuffled to Balranald. She's currently part-time at Conargo, just up the road from Deni.
After they married 39 years ago, they replaced Jan (Ferguson) and Jim Smart at Talbingo.
They have 3 kids who've all done well. Deni seems to be in a central location so they can visit any of their kids.
One of the things they're into now is 4WD tripping, and they've notched up some impressive journeys so far with more to come.
Have you worked out who's in the photo with Fay and I? You clever thing! Click on COMMENTS below. Then write a comment in the box provided. Then do the word verification, then where it says CHOOSE AN IDENTITY, click on other, then put in your name and click PUBLISH YOUR COMMENTS. Easy eh?
Next story I will reveal who I took to the grad ball in 1964. This one may surprise you.
Monday, June 4, 2007

While some ex-WWTCers are relaxing in the sunshine, travelling to the UK and Europe or playing tennis on a daily basis, this lady is still studying. She’s studying to be better at teaching/reaching children with hearing impairment.
Her course is through Monash Uni with study days in Sydney and practical components at schools in Dubbo, Yeoval, Forbes and Canowindra. The one year course is nearing completion as this goes to print. By 14 July, at Marion’s, she will be able to let us know where she will be spending her second semester for this year.
After graduating in 1965, our VIP began her teaching career at Caragabal. Other places she taught at include Wellington, Goolgowi, Eugowra and Orange. She also raised 2 kids while at outlying stations in NSW.
This lass, who was fairly low profile (her words) while at college, was involved in basketball, hockey, swimming and even gymnastics! She was a PE option student with a nickname of Cleo (for Cleopatra). Quite a whizzable package wouldn’t you think?
Today, this former Deniliquin girl, living in Orange, is into the theatre, golf, some swimming and being very proud of her two kids – one in the Daintree Forest and the other down a mine at Mt Isa! She is also an avid Sydney Swans supporter. She enjoys re-establishing friendships from those college days and seeing how people have turned out after a number of decades. She counts herself a lucky and contented person. It is certainly a pleasure to get to know her once again after all those years.
Do you remember her?
The lady I mentioned in May (complete with recent photo) was none other than Dale Read’s room-mate from 1963-64, Di Di…. formerly Dianne Edwards from Manly. She has been living in Adelaide for quite a while.
If you have info on someone and you’d like to post it here, drop me a note – (feels funny not being able to stick a full stop at the end of the sentence when it ends with an email address!) Hope G Boardman isn’t looking too closely!
Her course is through Monash Uni with study days in Sydney and practical components at schools in Dubbo, Yeoval, Forbes and Canowindra. The one year course is nearing completion as this goes to print. By 14 July, at Marion’s, she will be able to let us know where she will be spending her second semester for this year.
After graduating in 1965, our VIP began her teaching career at Caragabal. Other places she taught at include Wellington, Goolgowi, Eugowra and Orange. She also raised 2 kids while at outlying stations in NSW.
This lass, who was fairly low profile (her words) while at college, was involved in basketball, hockey, swimming and even gymnastics! She was a PE option student with a nickname of Cleo (for Cleopatra). Quite a whizzable package wouldn’t you think?
Today, this former Deniliquin girl, living in Orange, is into the theatre, golf, some swimming and being very proud of her two kids – one in the Daintree Forest and the other down a mine at Mt Isa! She is also an avid Sydney Swans supporter. She enjoys re-establishing friendships from those college days and seeing how people have turned out after a number of decades. She counts herself a lucky and contented person. It is certainly a pleasure to get to know her once again after all those years.
Do you remember her?
The lady I mentioned in May (complete with recent photo) was none other than Dale Read’s room-mate from 1963-64, Di Di…. formerly Dianne Edwards from Manly. She has been living in Adelaide for quite a while.
If you have info on someone and you’d like to post it here, drop me a note – (feels funny not being able to stick a full stop at the end of the sentence when it ends with an email address!) Hope G Boardman isn’t looking too closely!
Monday, May 28, 2007

One such mate is Graham Brown. He now lives in the beautiful area of Rutherglen, Vic. with his lovely (and long-suffering) wife Margaret.
Graham's first appointment was Talmalmo near Corryong. He spent quite a bit of time teaching at Corowa.
He has strong ties with his church and other Christian organisations and is... you guessed it... a keen cyclist. Never ask him in front of Margaret how many bikes he actually owns.
When Fay and I were there earlier this year, we put our Avan up in his front yard and went visiting the Morris Winery with the Browns and some of the local Rotary people. It was a beaut night.
Graham's had prostate problems, and been through an op (I'm pretty sure) and 37 radiation sessions. (I can't imagine what that would be like.) He won't know how effective the radiation has been till he finishes his course of Zolodex next year.
Graham also does quite a bit of canoeing or should that be kayaking? He reckons it'd been getting harder to extract himself from the kayak until he remembered reading an article decades ago about how to get out of a kayak. He reckons it was lucky he read that article back then and could recall it.
Graham loves travel and visiting family (Sydney and Wollongong trips coming up shortly).
The Browns are planning a trip to England and the continent during Aug-Sept-Oct this year. Do you recognise him from the photo? (Yeah he's with my wife Fay on the left of photo. Margaret and I on the right.)
Monday, May 14, 2007

Well, strike me dead! Here are a couple of tandem pairs having a great time. Don't they know they're all over 60?
Bernie Fitzpatrick and Janice (Kerin) as well as Fay (Bailey) and Grahame Keast had a ball. Rode 70+ each of the first two days and 50 on the third day. There were three other non-WWTC tandem teams.
Janice ferretted (is that a word?) out some relations when we were in Yeoval. Grahame found an ex Hurlstone bloke at breakfast who was 75 years old, also in Yeoval. All up we had a ball. We know we are most fortunate to be having so much fun and to still be able to cycle like this. Where there's a will....
Looks like it'll be on again next year... Le Tandem Tour de Dubbo!
See you at Marion's!
Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Click on comments below and tell us who you think it is. She went through WWTC in the sixties (who didn't?) I'll give clues if need be.
1st clue: I'm cuddling her mother at the back. I always got along well with her Mum. [That's too many clues.]
Friday, May 4, 2007
Dear Grahame
Welcome to the new CSU on-line Alumni Community. I hope you have found it interesting and useful.
As you are aware, we are still in the intital stages and to date, we have 265 registered alumni. it is hoped that by the end of the year this number will have grown into the thousands.
Featuring soon in the Alumni Spotlight section will be David Mackay, CEO of Kellogg and Adrian d'Hage, author of the best selling novel The Omega Scroll.
Next week sees three days of Graduation ceremonies on the Bathurst campus with over 1500 graduates receiving their degrees in six ceremonies.
A date for your diaries is Friday 14 September when the Annual Rugby Fundraiser is scheduled to be held in Sydney. Raffle tickets and appeal forms will be available shortly.
Remember to check the calendar regularly for all the lastest CSU events including Public Lectures; Seminars etc.
Get all your CSU News and the latest on Alumni happenings -
If you have any questions or feedback, please contact me. I love to hear from you and you can always stop in and see me at the Grange anytime you are passing through Bathurst.
Cheers and have a great weekend,
Michelle Fawkes, Alumni Relations Officer
Message from Keasty:
Look up the CSU Alumni site and enrol. It's painless! Simply click here and then click on KEEPING IN TOUCH. Cheers.
As you are aware, we are still in the intital stages and to date, we have 265 registered alumni. it is hoped that by the end of the year this number will have grown into the thousands.
Featuring soon in the Alumni Spotlight section will be David Mackay, CEO of Kellogg and Adrian d'Hage, author of the best selling novel The Omega Scroll.
Next week sees three days of Graduation ceremonies on the Bathurst campus with over 1500 graduates receiving their degrees in six ceremonies.
A date for your diaries is Friday 14 September when the Annual Rugby Fundraiser is scheduled to be held in Sydney. Raffle tickets and appeal forms will be available shortly.
Remember to check the calendar regularly for all the lastest CSU events including Public Lectures; Seminars etc.
Get all your CSU News and the latest on Alumni happenings -
If you have any questions or feedback, please contact me. I love to hear from you and you can always stop in and see me at the Grange anytime you are passing through Bathurst.
Cheers and have a great weekend,
Michelle Fawkes, Alumni Relations Officer
Message from Keasty:
Look up the CSU Alumni site and enrol. It's painless! Simply click here and then click on KEEPING IN TOUCH. Cheers.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
WA and SA

I’ve just had a great time – Fay and I have had a great time in Perth and Adelaide. In Perth we caught up with Cynthia (Richardson) Springvloed. We had a nourishing barbie in Kings Park. Great to catch up with Cyn (pictured above) and her man Kommer (good bloke). A trip to Perth without seeing our Cyn wouldn’t be the same.
When we returned to Adelaide, we caught up with Di (Edwards) Groenewegen (harder to photograph) and Merv (and Helen) Smith. Di has lived in Adelaide for over 20 years. The Smiths (who live in Sydney) were just doing the grey nomad thing. Interestingly enough Merv was in the same section as Cyn.
All five folk I mentioned (Cyn, Kommer, Di, Merv, Helen) looked fabulous and it was really good to catch up with them even if it was for just a short time.
It’s a fair way over to the west and because of that we don’t expect to see Cyn or Di over east any time soon. For example, all Di’s rels now live in Adelaide. I can remember fondly many times at 435 Condamine St Manly with Di and her brother and her parents. Di’s Mum June lives with Di in a neat suburb near the water.
Damn! I forgot to check whether Merv and Helen were gonna be at Marion’s gathering on July 14/15. No, I think we did discuss it – and I think they’re gonna be there. Are you coming? Marion Giddy would love to hear from you.
When we returned to Adelaide, we caught up with Di (Edwards) Groenewegen (harder to photograph) and Merv (and Helen) Smith. Di has lived in Adelaide for over 20 years. The Smiths (who live in Sydney) were just doing the grey nomad thing. Interestingly enough Merv was in the same section as Cyn.
All five folk I mentioned (Cyn, Kommer, Di, Merv, Helen) looked fabulous and it was really good to catch up with them even if it was for just a short time.
It’s a fair way over to the west and because of that we don’t expect to see Cyn or Di over east any time soon. For example, all Di’s rels now live in Adelaide. I can remember fondly many times at 435 Condamine St Manly with Di and her brother and her parents. Di’s Mum June lives with Di in a neat suburb near the water.
Damn! I forgot to check whether Merv and Helen were gonna be at Marion’s gathering on July 14/15. No, I think we did discuss it – and I think they’re gonna be there. Are you coming? Marion Giddy would love to hear from you.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Dear Ex-WWTC heroes!
I propose to hold a reunion BBQ at my home on Saturday 14th (or maybe 21st-back-up date) July this year. I thought I should give you lots of notice so that you can pencil it into your diary now. Overnight accommodation can be negotiated. First in best dressed. I haven't worked out the details of this event as yet - but it will be a B.Y.O.G. occasion. Other details will depend on the final number of acceptances. I plan to have a twilight bonfire to dispose of the debris that has accumulated on this property for the last few years. Don't worry, we'll have a couple of 'fireys' present. I would love to have you here. Bring caravan, winnie or tent if you wish. Plenty of room.
Please pass this on to other WWTC folk whose email addresses are not with me. I would welcome an expression of interest. Can you please email me a brief message:
"Yep, Count me in" or
"No. Sorry can't make it" or
"Not interested. Don't contact me again"
Best wishes to all.
Marion (Smith) Giddy
I propose to hold a reunion BBQ at my home on Saturday 14th (or maybe 21st-back-up date) July this year. I thought I should give you lots of notice so that you can pencil it into your diary now. Overnight accommodation can be negotiated. First in best dressed. I haven't worked out the details of this event as yet - but it will be a B.Y.O.G. occasion. Other details will depend on the final number of acceptances. I plan to have a twilight bonfire to dispose of the debris that has accumulated on this property for the last few years. Don't worry, we'll have a couple of 'fireys' present. I would love to have you here. Bring caravan, winnie or tent if you wish. Plenty of room.
Please pass this on to other WWTC folk whose email addresses are not with me. I would welcome an expression of interest. Can you please email me a brief message:
"Yep, Count me in" or
"No. Sorry can't make it" or
"Not interested. Don't contact me again"
Best wishes to all.
Marion (Smith) Giddy
Sunday, March 18, 2007
B is for BERRARA

We're proposing a WWTC6364 gathering at Berrara (just 6 km south of Sussex Inlet. That's south of Nowra/Bomaderry).
Dates: 14-17 March 2008 - just a year away.
If you don't get an email with more information, send me an email and I'll send you the info. or 0448 626 646
Already there are a dozen or so strongly interested.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I have lived in Kenthurst for 30 years. I moved here from Castle Hill when I married John. This house (in fibro mode) once belonged to John's parents.
Got any plans to move?
Funny you should ask that. Occasionally I get a fit of the depressions because maintaining this big property is a nightmare. It will be a MAJOR drama when I do decide to move. And where do I go? At the moment I am having a love affair with the south coast. My sister is moving there, and I am tempted to follow.
What are you currently doing to fill in your days? (work, recreation, hobbies, travel...)
I try to stay fit by walking and practising yoga. I socialise a lot. Every Thursday I attend art classes. I am moving into my 'abstract period'. I read, do cryptic crosswords and sudoku. I spend a lotta time on the phone. (She doesn't ring me!) Occasionally I work around the home. I am saving up for my next trip to Europe in 2008.
When did you last skinny dip?
About 3 years ago. Having a protected pool area is a bonus.
Any big ticket items to buy in the near future, including travel plans?
Yep. I'd like to do the Rhine Cruise thru Europe. Beginning the tour in Paris and finishing in Prague. A few problems with the dollars at the moment - and the immediate problem of pulling down an asbestos-roofed shed in my backyard. That's gonna cost me big dollars.
If some friend bought you a plane/ship ticket, where would you want to go and why?
I think, (apart from the Europe option) I'd go back to Canada. I loved that place (apart from the Norwark Virus).
What have you done recently which you are proud of, ashamed of or don't want to happen again?
Any big ticket items to buy in the near future, including travel plans?
Yep. I'd like to do the Rhine Cruise thru Europe. Beginning the tour in Paris and finishing in Prague. A few problems with the dollars at the moment - and the immediate problem of pulling down an asbestos-roofed shed in my backyard. That's gonna cost me big dollars.
If some friend bought you a plane/ship ticket, where would you want to go and why?
I think, (apart from the Europe option) I'd go back to Canada. I loved that place (apart from the Norwark Virus).
What have you done recently which you are proud of, ashamed of or don't want to happen again?
I've started out on my own again. I'm proud of that. I think I'm proud of my strength (because underneath it all I'm fragile!)
Last question: What question should I ask you now? And what's the answer?
What do I want out of the last years of my life?
Why am I feeling so absolutely wretched at the moment?
Why have you asked me these innane questions?
Answers? (a) 20 or so. (b) Hormones (c) You're drunk Keasty!
Last question: What question should I ask you now? And what's the answer?
What do I want out of the last years of my life?
Why am I feeling so absolutely wretched at the moment?
Why have you asked me these innane questions?
Answers? (a) 20 or so. (b) Hormones (c) You're drunk Keasty!
Thanks Marion for sharing. Looking forward to catching up with you at some stage.... hopefully soon.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Here are 16 of the 18 folk who braved Armidale over the Aust Day weekend. Those in capitals have married into the "family" - HELEN SMITH, GAIL GRANT, SUZI O'BRIEN, Tom McKibbin, Sue (Upton) King, John Cassidy, LAUREN and Russ Warfield, Merv Smith, Graeme O'Brien, GERD KING. Then front row: Fay (Bailey) Keast, Van Davy, Jock Grant, Marion (Smith) Giddy and Grahame Keast. Gerard Say and Judith Dark are below. Then there's the before and after of Van and Marion! They've both aged well I reckon!
Monday, January 29, 2007
A is for Armidale

The idea here is to post events that are going to happen and print reports on events that have happened. At the bottom of each post (story or report) there is the chance of you making a comment. This is handy as it is a way of communicating with other ex WWTC folk. Making a comment is real easy (though you mightn't have done it yet!) If you click on COMMENTS you will also be able to read other people's comments, which you might wish to comment on. Get it?
Thanks Jock, Gail, Russ and Lauren for your efforts in making A'dale happen.
I'd like to invite you to let us know what you thought of the weekend in Armidale, on 26, 27 and 28 January, 2007 (if you were there. I have the list if necessary!)
Any others who have found their way here, feel free to add your comment or tell us why you weren't in A'dale. And, see if you can match the following names to the photos above: Russ Warfield, Merv Smith, Graeme O'Brien & wife Suzi, Sue (Upton) King, Colin (Jock) Grant and Tom McKibbin. Cheers.
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