Some highlights included: 36 people present, 11 of whom never even went to WWTC! (they just got involved at a later stage!); a beaut bonfire (see photo above - can you put names to the figures?); the appearance of Ethel and Mavis (from the Miscellaneous Employees Septic Sewerage Yunion) see photo #3; the meeting after about 40 years of Julianne and Janet (wives of Rob Hughes and Graham Wright) who went to Balmain TC together. As you can see we have solved the question, how many people can fit into a Winnebago? Thanks Merv and Helen.
And answer to previous blog... Barb (Powell) Luelf and her husband Peter from Rankin Springs. It was a pleasure to be her grad partner.
Please make an effort to add a comment below eg tell us what you thought of the gathering or why you weren't there. [I think if you click on the photo it might enlarge. You could need that with photo #1.]
Present: Doug, Lucy and David Walker, Russ & Lauren Warfield, Rob & Julianne Hughes, Keith & Wendy Lambert, Bob & Colleen Cureton, Merv & Helen Smith, Grahame & Fay Keast, Jock Grant, Graeme & Suzi O'Brien, Lynn Ludwig, Graham & Janet Wright, Dave Baker, Bill & Sandra Semple, Tom McKibbin, Van & Jennifer Davy, Marion Giddy, Sue & Gerd King, Judith Dark, Judy James, Dave & Lyn Giles, Bernie & Janice Fitzpatrick. [Let me know if I've spelt your name wrong.]
Special thanks to Marion and all who made the weekend such a memorable occasion.
Thanks to photographers Marion, Graeme, Doug etc. Got some more to send me? Ta. Maybe the banana shot will get posted here... later.
Well done, Grahame, on your prompt end-of-conference evaluation report, with predictably included evaluation questions: 28 people in the Winnie - that's not counting the 3 pix shooters, 3 kitchen maids and 2 miscellaneous others, (the latter 5 probably hiding out in one or more of the other 4 vans); the silhouettes are, L-R, Janet Wright, Merv Smith, Lauren Warfield & Russ Warfield.
Marion & Sue deserve a prize for their in-character portrayal of mademoiselles, in keeping with the Bastille Day celebrations.
Thanks to all for a great weekend.
Fabulous weekend! Terrific company! Millions of laughs! We want to do it again next weekend!!!!!!!
Maz and I dressed a la French quite independently of each other, we found a book in the old shed with our business name on it ........... very eerie ........... The only time we pair argue is when we can't decide which one of us is Ethel, the mother in the cleaner duo.
Marion is going to Lightning Ridge at the end of the month with me (plus 20 others), so we will get Grahame to put on a few shots of us searching for opal miners/minors!
Gerd and I look forward very much to our next get together. You are all wonderful friends. 'Collambience' is indeed a true description.
Enjoy the Blog. I hope I can make future get together. We (Marks Point) made the State finals of 3 Grade Pennant Bowls this year. The finals will be played at The Entrance over the first weekend in August. I hope to be on the road in our caravan after that. We will probably head north.
B & J - you got 2 out of 4. Not bad! No cigar! Keep trying.
Dino - congrats! George Bailey would be proud of you!
Fay and I got home 5 pm Monday. It was 5 degrees as we approached Lithgow! It'll be -2 tonight in Dubbo.
Bad luck about Rogers and O'Grady in Le Tour. Makes my back pain fairly insignificant.
Just received the email so the guess the address must be right. Great to see everyone again. A lot of unseen effort no doubt went into the organisation which was much appreciated by everyone. Also appreciate the blog that you have created which helps keep people together and informed.
Sorry I can't commit to the South Coast or Wagga but unable to plan too far ahead at the moment. Sounds like Generation Y doesn't it?
Just spoke to Cathy Morris who tells me it was - 1 degree C in Kuranda and I thought it was cold down here! Am seeing Sue Boyd on the 26th. Lyn worked with her sister Sally. Shall send you the address for your database when I get it.
Best wishes to all
As we noted this morning in the Illawarra Mercury account of yesterday's Le Tour incident, that Rogers crashed while descending at more than 60kph, Janice cooly commented that if that had been us (on the tandem) she would have made me use the brakes. Julian's (our cyclist son's) only comment about that would be "you don't want to use your brakes, they only slow you down". All round, yesterday's very sad event has put paid to some great Aussie performances so far.
But where is the photo of the banana?
Yes, It was indeed a super Bastille Day. Quite a drive but so worth the effort.
I am wondering if the karaoke got off the ground ? ? ?
It was my pity that I was not able to stay longer. It may have seemed extremely rude that I drifted off without bidding everyone Farewell but had I done so, I would have been very much TOO late as everyone was spread widely and to find everyone, would have been huge. To everyone that I met or re-met, thank you for wonderful conversations and good health and safe travelling until we meet again.
To you , Keasty and Fay, a special Goodbye,
Was great to catch up at the weekend.
Great to see you and Faye yesterday and catch up on some of your adventures. Amazed at the Canadian episode. You should write a book which would rival the J K Rowling series. Another win for Wagga and Marion. You wouldn't believe the life parallels with Tom that I discovered yesterday - still recovering from those,
as well as his memory but I think I have another up my sleeve for him.
Really glad Dave & Lyn made it. Also Judith. Good onya!
Hey Lynn, I have written a 27 page record of our 2006 O/S Trip. It was fun doing that. Will show you when we gather next time.
Forensic are getting prints from the banana... seems there were quite a few prints they got from it.
I thoroughly enjoyed the whole weekend, and thank all of you for your efforts and contributions. Special thanks to Sue and Gerd, Van and Jennifer, and Doug and Lucie (who restored my long-forgotten barbecue). To all chefs, waitresses, firemen and cleaners ... my deepest gratitude.
The company was the very best. Such stimulating company! So good to catch up with those people I haven't seen for years. Looking forward to seeing you all again in the near future!
Visiting the WWTC site is a joy for me and I devour every line. I must get myself organized so that I can add my comments and keep in touch with what's happening. The old names conjure up so many happy memories and I find myself chuckling out loud at the antics that are still going on with that mad lot! [inserted without author's permission by editor]
Mavis and I were really taken by the cleanliness and tidyness of your camp site. What impressed us most was the reception we received when we arrived on Saturday to 'do the honours'. However, we did notice a few muffled laughs on our departure. The flatulence that Mavis suffers had nothing to do with this I am sure. We look forward to being 'on the job' next March.
Loved last weekend with all the young fellas and the birds keep getting better. Fireworks display rivalled new years eve on the harbour! Thank you to those who put in the hard yards.Merv Smith
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