Thursday, July 19, 2007


Photo of Lynn Ludwig (top), and Tom McKibbin (with hat). They met up at the Bastille Day celebrations at Marion's last weekend. They got to chatting...

Submitted by Tom McKibbin:

On the weekend I was talking to Lynn Ludwig. We discovered some coincidences in our lives.

We travelled to the College together in the same compartment for entry in 1963.

We were in the same section but have not seen each other for 43 years.

We both taught Primary for five years.

We both then taught Social Sciences in the secondary school for the rest of our teaching days.

We were both head teachers but Lynn went on to be a deputy.

We both have a son in San Francisco.
I now find out that they (our sons) are living in the same street!
It is like we live parallel lives!

Editor: If any other ex-teachers have a son living in the same street we'll buy you a ticket to San Fran!

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Man, you had to be at Marion's to experience the collambience! Unreal! Sureal! Bloody magnificent!
Some highlights included: 36 people present, 11 of whom never even went to WWTC! (they just got involved at a later stage!); a beaut bonfire (see photo above - can you put names to the figures?); the appearance of Ethel and Mavis (from the Miscellaneous Employees Septic Sewerage Yunion) see photo #3; the meeting after about 40 years of Julianne and Janet (wives of Rob Hughes and Graham Wright) who went to Balmain TC together. As you can see we have solved the question, how many people can fit into a Winnebago? Thanks Merv and Helen.
And answer to previous blog... Barb (Powell) Luelf and her husband Peter from Rankin Springs. It was a pleasure to be her grad partner.
Please make an effort to add a comment below eg tell us what you thought of the gathering or why you weren't there. [I think if you click on the photo it might enlarge. You could need that with photo #1.]
Present: Doug, Lucy and David Walker, Russ & Lauren Warfield, Rob & Julianne Hughes, Keith & Wendy Lambert, Bob & Colleen Cureton, Merv & Helen Smith, Grahame & Fay Keast, Jock Grant, Graeme & Suzi O'Brien, Lynn Ludwig, Graham & Janet Wright, Dave Baker, Bill & Sandra Semple, Tom McKibbin, Van & Jennifer Davy, Marion Giddy, Sue & Gerd King, Judith Dark, Judy James, Dave & Lyn Giles, Bernie & Janice Fitzpatrick. [Let me know if I've spelt your name wrong.]
Special thanks to Marion and all who made the weekend such a memorable occasion.
Thanks to photographers Marion, Graeme, Doug etc. Got some more to send me? Ta. Maybe the banana shot will get posted here... later.