One of the highlights was the bonfire (once again). It was every bit as good as the one 2 years ago.

"Ken Howard" in his BVDs and drinking Shelleys Lemonade, called a race for us. I think Fanny and Mozza (horses) were up near the front when the race finished. Thanks Dino.

Ethel and Mavis aren't getting any younger, and an aging wheelchair had to be employed on this occasion. They entertained with their usual flair. Well done... again.

Graeme and Doug led the chainsaw gang. Lynn and Dino were always on hand and Bernie even finisbhed up on the roof (doing a needed sweep of leaves there.) Gra Wright did a bunch of whipper snipping which was a bonus. There's still a heap of timber here if you need some. Contact Marion.

An excellent rendition of The Man From Snowy River was delivered by Rob Hughes - who spends a bit of time these days as a
Marriage Celebrant.

Relaxing as usual was the Giles team - David and Lynne (Lyn/Lynn?) They're busy nowadays building as one of their offspring is returning home I believe. Might get him to come down to Cudmirrah!

Graeme O'Brien chats up Anne McKibbin. Porbably explaining the difference between speering and whizzing, Anne was voted Rookie of the Year. It was her first appearance with the mob. Wonder whether she'll return?

Merv studying the various heritage listed material on show. He and Helen are hoping to get to WA later this year.

And here's everyone else! Enjoying a great lunch presented by outside caterers. A great move. Tucker was great, supplemented of course by local donations.

Sue and Gerd King chat with Graham Wright.

Here's the O'Brien style on the chainsaw. Well done mate. Maybe a better effort than some of the Aussies in whites appeared to give at Lords yesterday.
All in all a great time was had by all. Congrats also to Jan and Jim Smart who are in Townsville spending time with Jade Elizabeth - their daughter Emily's first child.
If you need any chainsaw work done contact Ludwig or O'Brien.
Thanks Graeme O'B and Marion for some of the photos.
If you've got one you want to shove here, email it to me, with a note/story. Good onya.
What a fabulous couple of days!!!! Thanks Marion, for letting us have the run of 111. So much food, so much wine and so few days to consume it all. But we did! I just hope you can find everything we used, washed up and tried to put away.
To all of you ....... thanks for a top weekend and, as Maz wrote on the stewdnt notiss bored, from me: 'I love youse all!'
Great photographic coverage of the weekend from roving reporter Grahame. Well done... shame their isn't an audio cos there were some memorable stories told which still bring a smile to the face. :)
Love to you all from Bernie and Janice
Once again I marvel at this wonderful group of people! This time I was the recipient of so much kindness and generosity! My eternal thanks to those who laboured over my much-neglected property! Special thanks to Graeme O'Brien, Bernie Fitzpatrick, Graham Wright, Dino Forsythe, Lynn Ludwig and Doug Walker - and to everyone else who contributed towards a fun-filled weekend! This 'do' could not have taken off without the help of the inimitable Sue King, the culinary skills and help and support of all the ladies! Thankyou also to our brekky cooks, Doug and Keith!
Love youse all!
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