Saturday, September 27, 2014

John Cassidy

John retired early from the work scene due to illness. Then he worked in a call centre for 11 years. He is currently a volunteer at his church and also two nursing homes. Shortly John will be looking to move to a retirement village.

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Alan lived at Londonderry for 25 years, teaching at Colo High, North Richmond. Towards the end of his time there, the local environment group requested that Penrith City Council name the hall at Londonderry (which had recently had an expensive upgrade) after John Murphy and Alan Mills in recognition of their work for the environment. Unfortunately John passed away shortly before the naming. The above photo shows John's widow with Alan Mills at the naming and re-opening.
While Alan will be unable to join in the 50 year celebrations in Canberra, he has been generous in making a donation to the event. Thanks very much Alan. He now lives at Bilambil near Tweed Heads. Looks like a good spot Alan.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

LADMORE, Malcolm

First school - Forster Central where he met his wife. Then Dapto HS - 15 yrs. NZ exchange 1981. Resigned 1982 and went into newsagency and restaurant near Taree. Also Kip McGrath franchise. Back teaching 1996-2005 at Chatham High. 
Started Old Bar Pirates Rugby League (near Taree) in 1991, now life member.
Joined VISE (Volunteers for Isolated Students' Edn), working at cattle station, circuses!!
Interests now: Bowls, travel, volunteering including Manning Art Gallery.