Saturday, November 11, 2017


 Our 2 generals - Marion from Sydney and Sue from Canberra.

 Concentration while we get the tucker organised.
 Janice and Bernie Fitzpatrick.

 Lucie and Suzi didn't attend WWTC so they reckon 
their men can do the cooking! They can have a chat.

 Fay enjoying the food preparation at the lovely
setting beside the Murrumbidgee River. 

 A great result. Grahame ensures the wine is appropriate.

 Graeme O'B explains how it was exactly back in 1964.

 Doug too busy with eating to worry about photos. 

 Fay and Suzi have a yarn in the sun.

 Yep, there's only one Marion! Good onya girl!

 Graham Wright in the background, joins
Judy James as they sing the college anthem. 

Jan, Janice and Lucie all look pretty happy. 
There were people from every session. Wrights, Lamberts,
Graham/Margaret Brown, Dino/Nola and Barry/Annette 
Lawrence were also staying at the Wagga Beach Van Park.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017


Tuesday, August 01, 2017

 Well, I'm afraid you had to be there! It's OK to read the book or even view the movie.... but in this case, NO, definitely not, you HAD TO BE THERE!

 Of course Terrific Tom (without his lovely wife) was fair game - poor bugger! I thought they mighta picked on me for a minute!

 However, Ethel and Mavis really delivered and especially did they deliver for Tom! I hope he's OK. Wonder if he got home OK.

 Trance-like? Yes. At peace? They sure were! Thanks to Ethel and Mavis, the rest of us were given some .... therapy. These 2 ladies - Bails and Helen S, sure look relaxed!

As well as THIS treatment, there was also the BOCCE or sort of lawn bowls activity, Rob Hughes with his poems, Bruce Lucas with the piano sing-a-long (we just loved it mate), the magnificent tucker thanks to Sue and Gerd (UNBELIEVABLE) and of course the usual bonfire! 
Marion - we owe you a huge thank you. Huge. The teamwork where everybody brings a bit and tries to eat and drink a bit seems to work well. Of course some don't pull their weight which obviously means some even have to "play" harder than they'd expected to "play".
Great to see Colleen Cureton join us after the extremely sad loss just last month, when Bob died suddenly while they were in Portugal. We all miss him deeply.
Not sure whether Cyn over in Perth will read this - but it's really for her. A fair few of the mob here have nearly become illiterate due to increasing age! Sorry Graham & Janet Wright couldn't make it. There were a few notable absences, but John Cass, Judith Dark, Bob Sim and Gerard Say helped strengthen the numbers.

Next action will be in Wagga where umpteen folk from WWTC will gather to celebrate ..... something. If you want to join the fun there on the w/e of 27, 28 & 29 October, phone Lesley on 02 4322 5650 or email her on - thanks.

Yes, Sir Les whatever his name is, visited us on one occasion. 

Now where was this photo taken and when? Not this year!!

Saturday, March 4, 2017


It was a wild bunch that gathered at Forster at the end of Feb and into March this year - 2017. At least they regarded themselves as a "wild bunch". Of course over the years the edge has been rubbed off and they're now a fairly docile lot. At least that's what Terry Dwyer told me to write!!!
Fay Keast (1963-64), Dave Otterman (ring-in), Barb (Campbell) Otterman and Marg (Stuckey) Crofts. The Ottermans had come from Perth for the event.
Heather and Terry Dwyer along with Mick McGrath and his wife Robyn were the movers and shakers for the reunion. Forster is certainly a great spot for such a gathering. Ray Petts is the shorter guy in the 2nd photograph.
 Garry and Margaret Towle. Garry (in blue shirt) was a Church of Christ pastor when Fay and I lived in Orange. In the bottom photo, Garry Craig and his wife Kay  were enjoying the gathering. Garry was one of the best tennis players in the 1961-62 period. The two Garrys roomed together in Marinya dorm - the same dorm I was in during 1962.
 Gordon and Di Nolan were in Cooma at some stage - maybe just before Fay and I spent 13 years there (1986-98). His knickname was PeeWee.
 Murray Norman and wife Kay along with Noel Miller.
Fred Gollash and his wife Inta. Inta (Grass) was on my table back in 1962. Probably I was on her table if the truth be told. Hadn't seen them for some decades.